
Original English title: THE BOOK OF LIGHT

Library of Congress, TXU 541243

Washington D.C., 02.01.1991

Illustrated summary

Cover illustration: Patita Dikshita

Copyright ©: Verlag Elke Straube

Coverdesign: Steffen Hartmann

Illustrations: Patita Dikshita, Dalia Chaaban, Martina Meißner

Manufacturing: Books on Demand GmbH

ISBN: 978-3-937699-82-0

The book of light for children is actually also the ideal entry point for adults, because this book explains the essence of the teaching easily understandable. Because of this basic knowledge it is easier for adults to understand the ENTIRE teaching of the BOOK OF LIGHT - of all volumes. Furthermore, even if children can not read yet, but already understand words, adults could read this book to the child.

Table of Contents


Dear Children, you are the future! YOU have to continue and you are responsible for what the adults have taught or left you. But is everything right and true, what the adults tell you and what you are learning at school? Much of it, yes, but many things remain unmentioned or many questions remain unanswered. When I was young as you are now, I did not understand a lot of what happens in the world. So I asked the adults: Where am I from? Who am I? What am I doing here? What is my future? Am I really dead, when I die? I often received surprised, even almost angry looks because of such questions. How dare the little one ask such nonsense?! I also asked: What is the sun? The adults and the teacher at school told me, that the sun is a burning ball and has been burning for millions of years. I asked: If so, why has not the sun burned out long ago? Why is the earth still spinning, when it's just a lump of matter in rotation? At school, in physics, we treated (later) the principle of uniformly accelerated motion. This principle says: A body is accelerated evenly, when a constant force acts on it. Otherwise, the body moved by an impulse comes to a standstill again. All right. I asked, WHAT is the first impulse, and then the constant force, that keeps the Earth's rotation and the burning of the Sun in constant activity? Someone in the class shouted: IT'S GOD!! And everybody laughed.

But one question moved me as a child and then as a teenager: WHY DO INNOCENT PEOPLE SUFFER? If a god has created them, how can he permit this? Did he create them, so that they should suffer? And if some say, that this is, because the PARENTS of the child have sinned, why does God not punish the PARENTS instead of the children for the deeds of the parents? The Bible teaches, that every person reaps what he or she sowed! What did the CHILD sow to reap dying of AIDS in Africa? Why do 25,000 children starve to death on earth each day while other children are well fed and loved and raised?

Some argue, that God gave man free will. BUT: An omniscient God must have KNOWN BEFOREHAND HOW man would decide, EVEN BEFORE such a god has even created such a person. Then, in turn, man would be a ROBOT, not responsible, but GOD would be responsible.

You see, dear children, all these questions AND MORE tormented me when I was your age and also later. Finally, I found the answer to ALL

my questions in THE BOOK OF LIGHT - Origin and Destiny of Man and Universe. It unites all religions and sciences on earth, and it will give us back the long-awaited peace on earth. There will be no more reason for the different religions to fight each other, for their believers will know that ALL religions teach the same, albeit hidden behind different, almost fairytale like stories and parables. But before you read the main scripture BOOK OF LIGHT, I ask you first to read this book here: THE BOOK OF LIGHT FOR CHILDREN. If it has caused your interest and raises questions in you, THEN you are ready for THE BOOK OF LIGHT - Origin and Destiny of Man and the Universe.

Be protected by all angels, and may only good things happen to you.

Love and light

Your LANOO (Christian Anders).