

This book is designed to help you navigate the transition successfully. We will talk about the emotions you will probably feel, how to find support, and how to establish priorities and plan for success. We will wrap it all up with a look at why being a single parent can be tremendously rewarding and how to maintain a positive outlook.


Chapter 1

The Challenges of Single Parenting


It is fair to say that most people don’t ever expect to become single parents. And it is also safe to say that you are never really prepared for the role. However, according to U.S. census records, there are more than 13.6 million single parents in the United States and the number continues to grow. It is not just women who are now responsible for the task of raising children by themselves; the number of single fathers is also increasing.


As a single parent, you will be faced with a number of challenges. Some may surprise you. Others will be expected. The more information you have, the easier it will be to navigate these challenges and successfully transition into the role of a single parent.


Let us take a look at some of the challenges you are likely to face as a single parent.



Both you and your child or children have suffered a loss. Whether you are divorced or your spouse or partner has passed away, it is a loss that you will deal with for quite some time. Everyone grieves in a different way. It is important to accept and allow grief for yourself and your child.


The Role of “Super Parent”

You now have to be all things to your child. You have to be the mother, the father, the friend and counselor. You have taken on the role of disciplinarian and playmate. You have to provide for your family and make sure that you stay on top of your child’s development and happiness.


It is more than a full-time job; it’s the equivalent of several full-time jobs. You may feel like you have to be a super parent. You will master this new role by taking care of yourself, getting support, and by establishing priorities - because the truth is that you cannot be and do everything yourself.


Providing Structure and Dealing with Behavior Issues

When life changes dramatically, children react differently. Some may become withdrawn. Some may go on with life without too much of an issue. Others exhibit significant behavior issues. Chances are your child will experience a little of everything.